Humble Skeptic Update
News, publishing projects, merch, listener reviews, upcoming events, and a list of the top ten most downloaded episodes.
• Questions of Faith is the title of Shane’s forthcoming book, due out this coming spring. Shane has also been working on a book related to the ancient creed found in 1st Corinthians 15 (which also happens to be the subject of episode 9). Look for that book to come out sometime in the fall of 2024.
• Shane recently gave a talk on Jesus’ fulfillment of messianic prophecy, along with how that discovery ultimately led to his conversion to Christianity. You can watch a video of that presentation here (the talk begins at 1:45 from the start). Click here to download a PDF copy of the lecture slides.
• The folks at PJ Media recently highlighted Shane’s article on the Bethlehem prophecy found in Micah 5:2. On Christmas morning Chris Queen wrote a column about this piece titled “Christmas Day Thoughts: Promises Fulfilled.”
• Shane was recently interviewed by Joshua Simpkins for The Broken Vessels podcast, and that conversation appears on Episode 63.
Looking for conversation starters? Visit our new store where you’ll find T-shirts, coffee mugs, pint glasses, phone cases, and a whole lot more! With every purchase, you’ll be helping to support the work of The Humble Skeptic podcast.
Australian theologian and author, Michael Bird recently promoted The Humble Skeptic, calling it an “Exciting podcast about faith in a post-faith world.”
Recent Paid Subscriber Comments
Shane’s humble Christian apologetic approach to challenging our cultural confusion is enlightening and refreshing. I feel he can clarify Christian truth and doctrine for my millennial children in a way I have not been able to. — Pamela
Shane’s ability to clearly and kindly articulate the claims and doctrines of Scripture while simultaneously presenting the false beliefs in their best lights in order to reason through the arguments is incredibly helpful and needed. — Brandee
Recent Apple Podcast Reviews
I didn’t even know I was looking for something like this for the past 20 years. So thankful for your time and help. Looking forward to each episode! — Pheven
I’m new to this podcast, but finding it well done and helpful to encourage thinking deeper about matters of religion. Also, I appreciate getting a better understanding of what others believe. — nlcqulter
01 The Pilot Episode
02 Faith Founded on Facts (Pt. 1)
03 What Did The Earliest Christians Believe?
04 Is Faith Irrational?
05 Locating Golgotha
06 Dealing with Doubt
07 Greg Koukl on Blind Faith
08 The Big Picture
09 Authenticating the Book of Acts
10 Faith & Experience (Pt 1)
The Cross & Resurrection Conference • March 29-31, 2024 • Memphis, TN
Where was Jesus crucified, and why is this important? Did his death occur on a Thursday or a Friday? What is the significance of his death, and how should we respond to common objections to the resurrection? Can we be sure that Jesus existed in the first place and that his story isn’t some kind of legend? Join Shane Rosenthal and Kent Moorlach as they discuss these questions and more this spring at The Cross & Resurrection Conference in Memphis, TN. This 3-day conference is free but registration is required. Click here to sign up or for more info.
Conversations That Matter • April 5-6, 2024 • St. Louis, MO
Join Greg Koukl, Shane Rosenthal, and Jeremy Smith for a discussion of Conversations that Matter. The focus of this 2-day conference is to equip you to have more effective conversations on the topics that matter most. Greg Koukl is the founder and host of Stand to Reason, and he’ll be discussing topics related to his book Street Smarts: Using Questions to Answer Christianity’s Toughest Challenges. This event will be held at Concord Church in South County St. Louis. Click here for more info.
Street Smarts: Navigating Hot Topics with a Cool Head • April 7th, 2024
Join Greg Koukl, Shane Rosenthal & Jeremy Smith for another apologetics-related event in Wildwood, MO, at The Fellowship of Wildwood.
For a gift of any amount to help support the work of The Humble Skeptic podcast through the end of this year, we’ll send you “Finding Christ in All the Scriptures,” a 12-page PDF resource by Shane Rosenthal. There are a variety of ways to give, including tax-deductible giving options (simply click the button below for more information).