What is Faith?
Is it blind? Is it an inner feeling or experience? Is it a kind of spiritual intuition? Is it irrational?
What is Faith? is a 20-page PDF document that walks through many of the issues I covered during the first year of The Humble Skeptic podcast, and includes all the supporting documentation in case you’d like to research things further yourself. Simply click the green button below to download.
And here is another of their reports that is quite relevant: https://christianthoughtsurvey.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/charts-2-full-nov-5.pdf
Relevant survey items are #34, #47, #101, and especially #158.
It looks like the Christian Thought Survey site now has a report dedicated to this question: https://christianthoughtsurvey.files.wordpress.com/2023/11/redemptive-belief-nov-1-e-.pdf