The Lord’s timing is impeccable. I am leading a small group of older ladies at my church. (I am 81 and there are three women who are older than me.) We are currently looking at seeing Jesus in the OT and this goes along with what we have already looked at…the creation account, the fall and ejection from Eden of Adam and Eve, the murder of Abel, the flood, and Babel, which is where we are at in this study. I hope it is okay if I send this to the others in the group. I don’t think any of them are on Substack at all. BTW, we are using Nancy Guthrie’s book, “The Promised One, Seeing Jesus in Genesis” as the basis for our study.

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Gwen, glad to hear—yes, feel free to forward this to others in your group! Glad to see that you are using Nancy Guthrie's excellent book, The Promised One. Here are some other resources I've written that relate to your study:

Gracious Promises to an Exiled Sinner (This article focuses on Gen 28 and the story of Jacob's Ladder). https://whitehorseinn.org/resource-library/articles/gracious-promises-to-an-exiled-sinner/

Finding Christ in All of Scripture (This PDF resource focuses on the way John's Gospel highlights Christ in the OT). https://www.humbleskeptic.com/p/finding-christ-in-all-of-scripture

A New Way of Reading Scripture (This 3-part series traces the effects of the fall in various biblical "heroes" and encourages readers to join the search for the second Adam who will make all things new).




Exiled from God’s Temple Garden (This article traces the theme of exile throughout the Bible and highlights the parallels between Eden and Israel's Tabernacle and Temple).


Grace vs. Works (This article focuses on Genesis 15 and the Abrahamic covenant)


God Remembered Rachel (This study walks through Genesis 30)


Jacob’s Strength vs. God’s Weakness (This article focuses Genesis 32 as Jacob finds himself wrestling with God).


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Excellent treatment of Genesis passages and Jesus connection bridging OT and NT.

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