New atheists such as Richard Dawkins and others frequently claim that “faith is belief in the absence of evidence,” but is this really the case? On this episode of The Humble Skeptic podcast, Shane Rosenthal takes a deep dive into the true definition of faith and interacts with a variety of perspectives.
• Shane Rosenthal has written a 20-page downloadable PDF document titled, What is Faith? (which you can access here). This e-booklet walks through the issues discussed on this program (complete with supporting documentation).
• The audio clip featuring Greg Koukl was taken from a lecture titled “Truth Is Not Ice Cream, Faith Is Not Wishing” which you can order here. Greg has also written an article titled Faith Is Not Wishing, which you can find here.
• Below is the Google Ngram chart referenced during this episode. This tool charts the occurrence of words or phrases in all the scanned books that Google has in its database. The graph below illustrates the fact that the phrases “blind faith” and “leap of faith,” came to prominence in the 19th and 20th centuries.
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