The Humble Skeptic
The Humble Skeptic
The Earliest Gospel

The Earliest Gospel

Episode 45 • Featuring Mike Brown

What is the earliest Gospel in existence? It’s not Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John; according to Paul, the oldest Gospel is actually found in the book of Genesis. In Galatians 3:8 he boldly declares that the gospel of Jesus had been proclaimed in advance to Abraham. So what specific passages from Genesis did he have in mind? How did the promises given to Abraham differ from the covenant that was later ratified at Mt. Sinai? Were Old Testament saints saved by works or simply by trusting the promise? Shane discusses these questions and more with Mike Brown, co-author of Sacred Bond, Covenant Theology Explored.


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Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored, Mike Brown & Z. Keele
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Christ From Beginning to End, Hunter & Wellum
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How to Read & Apply the Old Testament, S. Rosenthal & Iain Duguid
The Big Picture, Humble Skeptic #26
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During this episode, Shane read a quote from Bono. Here’s the larger context, which was originally included as part of an introduction to the Psalms.

“Psalm 40 is interesting in that it suggests a time in which grace will replace karma, and love replace the very strict laws of Moses (i.e. fulfill them). I love that thought. David, who committed some of the most selfish as well as selfless acts, was depending on it. That the scriptures are brim full of hustlers, murderers, cowards, adulterers, and mercenaries used to shock me; now it is a source of great comfort.” Click here to read Bono’s entire essay.

Upcoming Events
Shane will be the keynote speaker at The Cross & Resurrection conference in the greater Memphis region on March 22-24, 2024 (click here for more info).

• Greg Koukl, Shane Rosenthal & Jeremy Smith will be speaking on topics related to apologetics at The Fellowship of Wildwood in the St. Louis area on April 7, 2024.

• For more information, or to invite Shane Rosenthal to speak at your next event, send an email to: INFO at HUMBLESKEPTIC dot COM. 

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The Humble Skeptic
The Humble Skeptic
Shane Rosenthal was raised in a Jewish home but became an atheist at a very early age. Some years later, however, he ended up losing faith in atheism and converted to Christianity. On this podcast, he talks with people from a wide variety of worldviews and perspectives in order to explore the beliefs and ideas that shape our lives.