The Humble Skeptic
The Humble Skeptic
The Galatian Controversy

The Galatian Controversy

Episode 46 • Featuring T. David Gordon

Galatians is one of the earliest NT epistles and it records one of the oldest controversies in church history. Surprisingly, these early Christians weren’t involved in a dispute about Jesus’ divinity, his death, burial, or even his resurrection from the dead. Rather, the controversy was specifically rooted in the implications of all these foundational beliefs. If Jesus was indeed the promised Messiah, then how should we apply the Law of Moses moving forward? Should Gentiles be circumcised, keep Kosher, and rest on the Sabbath? Shane Rosenthal discusses these questions with T. David Gordon, author of Promise, Law, Faith: Covenant-Historical Reasoning in Galatians.


Recommended Books
Promise, Law, Faith, T. David Gordon
Choose Better, T. David Gordon
Paul & The Law, Brian S. Rosner
40 Questions About Christians & Biblical Law, Thomas Schreiner
Sacred Bond: Covenant Theology Explored, Mike Brown & Z. Keele

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Upcoming Events
Shane will be the keynote speaker at The Cross & Resurrection conference in the greater Memphis region on March 22-24, 2024 (click here for more info or to register).

• On Wed. March 27th at 6:30 pm, Shane will give a talk on “Objections to the Resurrection” at Christ Presbyterian Church in St. Charles, MO.

• Greg Koukl, Shane Rosenthal & Jeremy Smith will be speaking on apologetics-related topics at The Fellowship of Wildwood in the St. Louis area on April 7, 2024. Greg Koukl will also be speaking at the Creating Confident Ambassadors conference at First Baptist Church—St. John on Saturday, April 6th in St. Louis.

• Shane has been invited to lead a discussion of the question, “Is Faith Blind & Irrational?” at Third Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama on Sunday, April 28th (more info will be available soon).

• On Fri. May 3rd at 7 pm, Shane will talk with David Van Drunen about his books, Natural Law and Politics After Christendom. This conversation will take place at Christ Presbyterian Church in St. Charles, MO.

• Shane will be one of the speakers at the ReThink315 College Camp which will take place on the campus of St. Louis University, July 16-19, 2024.

• On Wed. Sept. 18th, Shane will discuss the question, “Is Faith Blind & Irrational?” at a public forum in Cedar City, Utah (more details coming soon).

• Shane will be discussing “The Thing of First Importance” at Chiesa Reformata Filadelfia in Milan, Italy on Sunday, Oct. 13th (more details coming soon).

• For more information, or to invite Shane Rosenthal to speak at your next event, send an email to: INFO at HUMBLESKEPTIC dot COM. 

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The Humble Skeptic
The Humble Skeptic
Shane Rosenthal was raised in a Jewish home but became an atheist at a very early age. Some years later, however, he ended up losing faith in atheism and converted to Christianity. On this podcast, he talks with people from a wide variety of worldviews and perspectives in order to explore the beliefs and ideas that shape our lives.