Articles & Other Resources

New Life in the New Year, Shane Rosenthal
Justin Martyr on the Importance of Fulfilled Prophecy, Shane Rosenthal
Isaiah’s Prophecy of the Messiah’s Birth, Shane Rosenthal
The Bethlehem Prophecy: An Exploration of Micah 5:2, Shane Rosenthal
The Date of John’s Gospel: Are We Witnessing a Paradigm Shift? Shane Rosenthal
The Compelling Nature of Corroborated Testimony, Shane Rosenthal
The Legacy of John W. Montgomery, Shane Rosenthal
Intriguing Stories About Friday the 13th, Shane Rosenthal
Greg Koukl Abandons “Faith” & Recommends You Do The Same, Shane Rosenthal
Joanna: Luke’s Key Witness? Shane Rosenthal
John 5:2 “There is in Jerusalem…”, Shane Rosenthal
The Authenticity & Genuineness of the Fourth Gospel, J.B. Lightfoot
A New Argument for John’s Identity, Shane Rosenthal
The Identity of the Beloved Disciple, Shane Rosenthal
Bart Ehrman on Jesus & The Claim of Resurrection, Shane Rosenthal
Simon of Cyrene: An Intriguing Archaeological Discovery, Shane Rosenthal
Passover & The Last Supper, Shane Rosenthal
Outside the Gospels, What Can We Really Know About Jesus?, Shane Rosenthal
Scribes of the New Covenant, Shane Rosenthal
The Tower of Babel, Shane Rosenthal
Blessed Are The Pure In Heart?, Shane Rosenthal
Finding Christ in All of Scripture (PDF), Shane Rosenthal
Is My Dad Mentioned in Billy Joel’s “Piano Man”?, Shane Rosenthal
Does Hebrews 11:1 Teach Blind Faith?, Shane Rosenthal
Be a Berean!, Shane Rosenthal
The Virtue of Doubt, Shane Rosenthal
The Mormonization of American Christianity, Shane Rosenthal
Humble Apologetics, Shane Rosenthal
Acts 2 & The Tongues Controversy (PDF), Shane Rosenthal
Liberalism or Christianity?, J. Gresham Machen
Who is Sergius Paulus? Shane Rosenthal
Is Luke a Trustworthy Historian?, Sir William Ramsay
Can We Trust Luke’s History of the Early Jesus Movement?, Shane Rosenthal
The Story of Us, Shane Rosenthal
Recovering the Art of Persuasion, Shane Rosenthal
Water into Wine?, Shane Rosenthal
Reconstructing My Faith, Sarabeth Kapusta
Is Faith a Feeling?, Shane Rosenthal
I Believe, Help My Unbelief, Shane Rosenthal
On Faith & Doubt, Shane Rosenthal
The Coin & The Covenant, Shane Rosenthal
Is Matthew’s Tale of the “Two Drachma Tax” Real or Fishy? by Shane Rosenthal
Considering Alternatives to the Resurrection, Shane Rosenthal
Sprinkled Nations & Speechless Kings, Shane Rosenthal
Where Was Jesus Crucified?, Shane Rosenthal
Did Palm Trees Grow in Jerusalem at the Time of Jesus?, Shane Rosenthal
How to Detect Deception, Shane Rosenthal
Authenticating the Fourth Gospel, Shane Rosenthal
Why Should We Believe The Bible? (PDF), Shane Rosenthal
What is Faith? (PDF), Shane Rosenthal
On Faith & History, Shane Rosenthal
Theologically, This Country is in a State of Utter Chaos, Dorothy Sayers
The Megachurch Century, Shane Rosenthal
Proof of the Gospel (PDF), selections from Justin Martyr, Eusebius & Augustine
What’s the Point of Jesus’ Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus?, Shane Rosenthal
What is the Most Important Thing Taught in the Bible?, Shane Rosenthal
A New Way of Reading Scripture, Shane Rosenthal
History & Faith, J. Gresham Machen
A General Account of Man’s Fall in Adam & The Remedy in Christ, Ralph Erskine
A Dead Sea Scroll Hymn Based on Isaiah 52 - 53 (PDF), Shane Rosenthal